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What is the ONSIDE Fund?

ONSIDE is a pooled fund that supports feminist organising and movements that leverage sports to advance gender justice. Through ONSIDE, grassroots groups, organisations and individuals access unrestricted funding to support girls, women and non-binary people in exercising their right to play, thus advancing gender justice in sport at all levels, from the grassroots to global.

ONSIDE is committed to participatory and equitable approaches to decision-making, grant-making, and learning, and aims to shift power to and share decision-making with girls, women, and non-binary persons at the centre of change.

The ONSIDE Fund defines sport broadly to include all forms of physical movement and play-based activities, both competitive and recreational, that promote enjoyment, self and collective care, and physical and mental well-being.


All girls, women* and non-binary people exercise their right to play.


Drive a sustained feminist movement that re-imagines and transforms sport.

What will be funded by ONSIDE Fund?

The ONSIDE Fund seeks to actively support girls, women, and non-binary persons from systemically oppressed and marginalised communities who are advancing gender justice in and through sport and play to bring about social change.

ONSIDE provides unrestricted funding to registered and unregistered grassroots groups, collectives and organisations that are clearly led by girls, women*, and/or non-binary persons, governed by feminist principles and practices, and whose work aligns with the vision and mission of the Fund.

This is a global call for proposals. Applicants from all 5 regions where the Fund operates and who align with the vision and mission of the Fund are encouraged to apply.


However, it is important to note that during this call for applications, some priority will be given to applicants working at the intersection of disability, gender justice and sport in Europe, Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. A portion of the funding will be specifically earmarked to address this thematic focus.

Other key priorities include:

  • Diversity: The ONSIDE Fund will invest in a diverse portfolio of grassroots groups, collectives, and organisations inclusive of various geographies, identities, strategies, thematic focus areas, and sports, forms of movement or play-based activities.

  • Intersectionality and Feminist Movements: Grassroots groups, collectives, and organisations who work intersectionally and whose work contributes to feminist movement building and social change will be prioritised.

  • Leadership and Meaningful Representation: The ONSIDE Fund will prioritise self-led and self-organised grassroots groups, collectives, and organisations or groups where girls, women, and/or non-binary persons from the communities most affected by the issues being addressed are meaningfully involved in leadership and decision-making.



Groups, collectives, and organisations from all regions can request one of the following funding amounts:

  • 5,000 USD

  • 7,500 USD

  • 10,000 USD

Individual applicants from the MENA region can request one of the following funding amounts:

  • 2,500 USD

  • 5,000 USD

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To be eligible for funding, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Groups, collectives, and organisations:

  • Alignment with the mission and the vision of the Fund.

  • Clearly led by girls, women, and/or non-binary persons.

  • Governed by feminist principles and practices.**

  • Annual organisational income up to  USD 100,000.

  • Please note that if you are currently receiving or have received funding from ONSIDE in the past, you are not eligible to apply for this call for proposals.


  • Only self-identified girls, women, and non-binary persons from the Middle East and North Africa region are eligible to apply as individuals.

  • Alignment with the mission and vision of the Fund.

  • Governed by feminist principles and practices.

**The ONSIDE Fund acknowledges that feminist values and practices are defined very differently across regions, countries and contexts. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section for more clarity on this.

Application Process

The application process consists of two phases:

  • Phase 1: During this phase, all applicants will answer eligibility questions and submit general information about their work, including the primary groups and communities they support and the approach to leadership and decision-making. Eligible applications will be screened by Regional Peer Review Panels and those longlisted will progress to Phase 2.

  • Phase 2: During this phase, only longlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full application, which includes further information about the applicant's work, the funding requested, the impact and sustainability of their work, etc. Full applications will be reviewed and scored by Regional Peer Review Panels, who will collectively make the final decisions on which applications will be selected for funding.

Please note that the deadline to submit applications in English and Spanish for Phase 1 is October 28th, 2024. For applications in French and Arabic, the deadline is November 1st, 2024.


Language and Accessibility

Language: The application form will be made available in English, Spanish, Arabic, and French. If you do not speak any of these languages fluently, you can still apply using an online translation service (such as DeepL, Google Translate or Reverso).

Accessibility: The ONSIDE Fund is committed to ensuring that the application process is accessible to all, including persons with disabilities. If, however, you require any bespoke support during the process, please reach out to us at with the subject line ´Call for proposals - Accessibility needs’.

Informative Webinar Phase 1

If you are interested in applying for a grant from the ONSIDE Fund  and looking for more information about this call for proposals, you can attend an informative webinar. During this webinar, we will walk you through the application process and answer all your questions regarding the ONSIDE Fund, the eligibility criteria and the application forms.

  • Who should attend: Anyone can attend, but we will focus on supporting those who are applying for the first time for ONSIDE funding, have limited experience with requesting funding or are not sure if they meet the eligibility criteria.

  • Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024.

  • Option 1: 1-2.30 pm CEST (Amsterdam time). 

  • Option 2: 6-7.30 pm CEST (Amsterdam time). 

  • Interpretation and accessibility: We will provide interpretation in Spanish, French and Arabic based on the time zone you select. If you need interpretation in any other language, including sign language, please indicate so when you register for the webinar and we will do our best to accommodate your request. Please also indicate any accessibility needs or reasonable accommodation requirements in the registration form.

  • For those who will be calling in from Asia and the Pacific, we recommend you to select option 1.


The ONSIDE Fund utilises a participatory grant-making model to inform its funding decisions. Aiming to drive collective action and decolonise philanthropy, our Advisory Committee consists of three grassroots feminist activists working at the intersection of gender justice and sports. The committee is supported by Regional Peer Review Panels made up of women, girls, and non-binary individuals of the movements, who collectively hold decision-making power over funding allocations. For this call for proposals, ONSIDE will ensure disability representation in the Regional Peer Review Panels in alignment with the key priorities stated above.



ONSIDE Fund Advisory Committee​

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Madhumita Das

Dr Madhumita Das has extensive experience supporting gender mainstreaming and inclusive and transformative programming, research, evaluation and learning within the context of program design, community organising, philanthropic consulting, and change work. Working independently in the space of gender and feminism; supports and advises organisations and donors in firming their program strategies and/or evaluating their programs/portfolio. Her work is centred on feminist and indigenous approaches addressing power explicitly ensuring the processes are rooted in, reflective of and driven by the most affected.

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Nil Delahaye

Nil is the co-founder and former lead of the Turkish sports NGO BoMoVu. She is a cross-cultural consultant on gender and racial justice, safeguarding in development settings, and a trainer for activists' capacity building.

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Juliana Román Lozano

I am a feminist, migrant woman, former football player, and now a professional football coach. For 17 years, I have been part of La Nuestra Fútbol Feminista, a community-based organisation in Buenos Aires that aims to guarantee a safe space for girls, young and adult women and LBTQ to exercise their right to play football and to inhabit a world free from violence and discrimination.

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If your question is not answered here, please contact us at with the subject line ‘Application process question’.

Eligibility Criteria


What does the ONSIDE Fund mean by ‘girls, women, and non-binary persons from systemically oppressed and marginalised communities’?

  • The ONSIDE Fund aims to support girls, women, and non-binary persons from systemically oppressed and marginalised communities. This could include but is not limited to: LGBTQIA+ people, people with disabilities, Indigenous people, Black people, people of colour and/or racialised people, Roma people, people in rural communities, people in marginalised urban communities, homeless people, sex workers, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, stateless and internally displaced people, youth, elderly, people affected by the caste system, and other social, political or religious minorities.​

    Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and we encourage applicants from or working with other marginalised communities to apply for funding.

What does the ONSIDE Fund mean by clearly led by girls, women, and/or non-binary persons?

  • For groups, collectives and organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia and the Pacific, this means that girls, women, and/or non-binary persons hold at least 75% of leadership positions or represent 75% of those in active decision-making. For groups, collectives and organisations in the MENA region, this means that girls, women, and/or non-binary persons hold at least 60% of leadership positions or represent at least 60% of those in active decision-making. Please note that while the leadership criteria is more flexible for applicants in the MENA region, priority will be given to those clearly led by girls, women, and/or non-binary persons.

    In the case of groups working at the intersection of disability, gender justice, and sport, priority will be given to those clearly led by girls, women, and/or non-binary persons with disabilities in all their diversity or where they are meaningfully involved in leadership and decision-making.

What does the ONSIDE Fund mean by ‘governed by feminist principles and practices’?

  • The ONSIDE Fund recognises that feminism is understood differently across regions, countries, and communities, and there are multiple and diverse forms of feminism. We are also aware that, in some contexts, openly identifying as feminist might pose a risk to the safety of girls, women, and/or non-binary people. For these reasons, we ask applicants to focus on their own definition of feminism, including the principles and practices that guide their work, and how it is informed by the contexts and communities they are part of and/or support.


How does the ONSIDE Fund define disability?

  • The ONSIDE Fund defines disability in accordance with  the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN-CRPD). According to the UN-CRPD, ‘persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments, which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.’ We recognise that the definition of disability varies according to each country’s unique context, and we do not restrict our understanding to the legal definitions used in the regions where we provide funding. As such, we encourage applicants representing a range of disabilities, in line with the UN-CRPD, to apply, even if their disabilities are not legally recognised in their local contexts.

We are  a group of girls, women, and/or non-binary persons with different types of disabilities. Can we still apply?

  • Yes, you can apply. We aim to support girls, women, and non-binary people with disabilities in all their diversity, including those with invisible, less visible and/or underrepresented disabilities.

We are a group led by women, girls and non-binary persons with disabilities, but we are not based in any of the priority regions. Can we still apply?

  • Yes, you can apply. However, please keep in mind we will prioritise applicants from Europe, Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa, in line with the regional priorities indicated above.

Why are the eligibility criteria slightly different for applicants from the MENA region?

  • In response to a low number of applications from the MENA region in the first call for proposals, the ONSIDE Fund decided to collaborate with a group of consultants with deep regional knowledge and expertise to develop a bespoke grant-making and outreach strategy for MENA. As a result, the ONSIDE MENA sub-fund was launched in 2022. The eligibility criteria from the first call for proposals were adapted in line with the insights gathered by the group of consultants and in close discussion with the ONSIDE MENA Advisory Committee in an effort to better respond to the specific needs and priorities of girls, women, and non-binary persons in the region.

We are a group led by cis men. Can we still apply?

  • Unfortunately, you cannot apply. In line with its mission and vision, the ONSIDE Fund supports groups, collectives and organisations clearly led by girls, women, and/or non-binary people.

Which countries are considered to be part of the Middle and North Africa Region (MENA)?

  • When the ONSIDE Fund refers to the MENA region, we include the following countries:

    Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, Qatar, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Moroccan Sahara.


I am an individual. Can I still apply?

  • Only self-identified girls, women and non-binary persons from the Middle East and North Africa region are eligible to apply. Please note that individual applicants can only apply for a grant of 2,500 or 5,000 USD.

Our group is NOT legally registered. Can we still apply?

  • Yes, you can apply. Your group does not need to be legally registered to apply for funding. We welcome applications from both registered and unregistered grassroots groups, collectives, and organisations.

We are an emerging group and do not have annual income. Can we still apply?

  • Yes, you can apply. In the application form, you will be asked to provide the name and contact details of an organisation or group that you have previously worked with, whether formally or informally, as part of the due diligence process.

We use yoga, dancing and other alternative forms of movement and play-based activities in our work. Can we still apply?

  • Yes, you can apply. The ONSIDE Fund defines sport broadly to include all forms of physical movement and play-based activities, both competitive and recreational, that promote enjoyment, self and collective care, and physical and mental well-being.

    This includes para sports, which are sports played by people with a disability, including physical disabilities, deafness, blindness, intellectual disabilities, chronic pain and/or chronic illness. Some parasports are forms of adapted physical activities from existing sports played by able-bodied individuals, while others have been specifically created for persons with a disability (PwD) and do not have a non-disabled equivalent (e.g. club throw).

We are a group working in a high-risk context. Can we still apply?

  • Yes, you can apply. We acknowledge that the rise in anti-gender and anti-rights forces worldwide poses a direct threat to the safety and well-being of girls, women, and non-binary people advancing gender justice in their communities. The risk is even higher for those organising in contexts of protracted conflict and/or living under authoritarian regimes with shrinking civic space. If you would like to apply but have safety and security concerns regarding the application process, please reach out to us at with the subject line ´Call for proposals - Safety concerns’ and we can discuss how to proceed. Please note that while we welcome applications from those in high-risk contexts, we cannot provide emergency grants or humanitarian assistance.

What does ONSIDE not fund?

  • Organisations, groups or individuals who are aiming to convert people to any religious belief or further a religious agenda;

  • Any kind of political party, or a women-specific extension of a political party;

  • Departments of governments.

Application Process


Can we apply for the ONSIDE Fund in our own language?

  • At this time, we only accept applications in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic. If you do not speak any of these languages, we encourage you to apply using an online translation service (such as DeepL, Google Translate or Reverso).

Can we submit our application form by email?

  • We would strongly prefer applications to be submitted using the online form on our website. However, if for any reason you are not able to access the online form or need support with the application process, please reach out to us at with the subject line ‘Application process - Support request´ and we can find a solution together.

Can we submit more than one application for this call for proposals?

  • No, only one application per group or individual will be accepted.

Can we save our progress on the application form?

  • Yes, you can save your progress on the application form and finalise it at a later stage as long as this is within the deadline to apply.

We have accessibility needs or require reasonable accommodations to apply for funding. Can we receive support to submit our application?

  • Yes, please share your accessibility or reasonable accommodation needs via email at with the subject line ‘Call for proposals - Accessibility needs’ and we can discuss how to best support you with the submission of your application.

What do you mean by annual income and what currency do you use?

  • Annual income is the amount of funding your organisation or group receives in a fiscal year for its operations, excluding any physical assets that you may have. In the application form, we will ask applicants to select the range that is closest to their most recent annual income (2023) in USD. A link to a currency converter will also be provided within the application form to support you with this. If your organisation or group has no annual income, please select the lowest range (0-5,000 USD).

What do you mean by unrestricted funding?

  • The ONSIDE Fund provides unrestricted funding to grassroots groups, collectives, organisations and individuals working to support girls, women, and/or non-binary persons in exercising their right to play and thus advancing gender justice in sport at all levels. This means that you are free to decide how to best use the grant in line with your needs and priorities and in alignment with the mission and vision of the Fund. This also means that the grant can be used for general support, such as salaries, office rent, etc., or for programmatic and project-based activities.

What are the grant sizes we can request?

  • Groups, collectives, and organisations can request one of the following grant sizes: 5,000, 7,500 or 10,000 USD. Individuals can request either 2,500 or 5,000 USD. We encourage all applicants to be intentional about the amount of funding they request from the ONSIDE Fund.

What is the duration of the grant period or cycle?

  • The duration of the grant is 12 months.

Do we need to have a bank account to be able to receive funding from ONSIDE?

  • Yes, it is preferable that you have access to a bank account, either an organisational account or the personal account of one of the leaders of your group to be able to receive international transfers. If this is not possible, we can discuss this with you and explore alternative options.

What does the ONSIDE Fund selection process look like?

  • In line with ONSIDE’s participatory grant-making and shared governance mechanisms, the decisions about funding allocations for this call for proposals will be made collectively by the Regional Peer Review Panels. 

    This consists of 2 phases:

    • Phase 1: Women Win will conduct an eligibility check on all applications received. Following this, the Regional Peer Review Panels will screen all eligible applications in order to create a longlist of applicants.

    • Phase 2: The longlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full application. Once Phase 2 closes, the applications will be reviewed and scored by the Regional Peer Review Panels, who will collectively make a final decision on which applicants will receive funding.

What is the deadline to submit my application?

  • All applications in English and Spanish must be submitted by October 28th, 2024.

  • All applications in French and Arabic  must be submitted by November 1st, 2024.

Is this the only call for proposals for the ONSIDE Fund?

  • This will be the only call for proposals for the ONSIDE Fund in 2024. However, we are committed to the continued support of grassroots groups, collectives, organisations and individuals working to advance gender justice in and through sports and play around the world. Keep an eye out for updates on our social media!

What information will be collected from applicants, and who has access to this information?

  • Within the application form, we ask for the following personal data:

    • Personal contact information (name, position or role in the organisation, telephone numbers, email addresses).

    • Pronouns, gender, and age.

    • Geographic location (country and region).

    • Information about race and ethnicity.

    • Information about accessibility needs and reasonable accommodations.


  • ​In accordance with our Partner Data Storage and Privacy Policy, Women Win defines personal data as  ‘any information about an individual from which that person can be identified, such as first and last name, telephone number, postal and electronic addresses, date of birth and bank account details. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).’ We take the security of your personal data very seriously, especially when we are disclosing your data with third party individuals such as Regional Peer Review Panellists. To this end, we have put in place appropriate technical and organisational security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.

How will you manage safety and security concerns for applicants in high-risk contexts?

  • ONSIDE will take precautions to protect high risk applicants and their data in line with our Partner Data Storage and Privacy Policy. If you have specific reasonable requests you would like us to consider regarding your safety and security, please email us at with the subject line ´Safety concerns´. We will do our best to accommodate your request provided that it falls within  the scope of our Partner Data Storage and Privacy Policy.

*When the ONSIDE Fund refers to girls and women, we include; all self-identified women, and non-binary individuals from underrepresented groups and communities such as black, indigenous, mestizas, people of colour, LGBTQIA+, refugees, and migrant girls and women with or without disabilities.


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